Our Services

I- Sonographer Certification

Sonographer certification is a major step in all the ultrasound studies. Our experience on training and certification is based on more than 400 sonographers from European , American and Asian countries.

The procedures , intended to reduce the variability of the biometric parameters are

  1. Sonographer training session dedicated to the sonographers, leaded by experts in the field.
  2. Test patient sent by the sonographer and validated by our corelab.

This last step can be performed in a very short time according to the reactivity of the sonographer after his training.

II- Training

Web Training for M’Ath M’AthPacs and M’AthCloud (SaaS)

  • M’AthCloud for Physicians or Clinical Trials : Half a day in our office or on site
  • M’AthStd or M’AthPACS : ( 2-3 hours)

III- ExpertReading and Rereading activities

Our expertise is based on more than 50 000 readings in prospective and epidemiological studies

For all your inquiries or proposals, do not hesitate to write us here